
செம்பருத்தி ஹேர் ஆயில் || Chembaruthi Hair Oil

84.00 320.00

Ramcare Hibiscus hair oil restores hair’s natural shine, strengthens hair, promotes hair growth, and nourishes dry hair.


Chembaruti hari oil, chembaruthi hair oil, hibiscus hair oil,செம்பருத்தி ஹேர் ஆயில் || Chembaruthi Hair Oil Benefits: Hibiscus is a radiant flowering plant that has many amazing properties for skin, hair and health. The constituents of hibiscus include amino acids, flavenoids and vitamins. we use this hibiscus along with other key ingredients like fenugreek, khusroot, Indian gooseberry and many more for our "Ramcare Hibiscus hair oil", which can be used for strengthening hair, promoting hair growth, nourishes dry hair and gets rid of spilt ends.

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120, 300, 500


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